Technology Tree is completely different to other IT services: we don’t work with just one type of industry or client. Instead, we tailor IT insights to each individual business and take a holistic view of our clients to recommend solutions that let them do their ideal work. At Technology Tree we don’t just recommend and then implement software or sell you what is easiest for us. Surprisingly, that's less common than you would think.
So, what is it that we really do at Technology Tree? We can integrate Microsoft 365 for your organisation, as well as supporting that office with all its IT needs, be it infrastructure we manage or down to problems with your networks. More of an Apple fan? No worries. We can manage that for you too. We consult, integrate as well as migrate, and design the ideal website for whatever your business might be, as well as writing relevant content for that site. We’ll register your domain name and look after those services. We’ll optimise your search engine (SEO), look after your e-commerce and put everything in the Cloud. Have a closer look through the link below.
Want to learn how to download and deploy new security updates to your Mac or PC, or keep up to date with current software for Microsoft? Not sure what the new iOS update will bring to your iPhone, or how to utilise OneDrive for your organisation? Our monthly newsletter provides helpful hints and tips to manage any issues you might have with your systems, as well as important links to follow if our explanation isn’t quite in-depth enough for you. We teach you the ways to make the most of your systems, whether they are Microsoft or Apple, and can send on our newsletters to your own inbox at your request!
Mars Case Study
We have been working alongside Mars Recruitment to implement the strategy of a Cloud-first approach with a view of completing all changes to that of a Modern workplace environment. Click below to find out more!
— Derek Stewart, Director of Technology Tree